Thursday, 29 November 2012

Unfairness in the schooling system

As I have indicated, my primary source of income is tutoring, mostly English. I have previously talked about how I am inevitably shocked by the tenuous grasp of the English language that many of my students have. But what I am often even more concerned by is the fact that the system is patently unfair for those who are shall we say, less academically capable than others.

I was reminded of this yesterday when I had a session with one of my loveliest students. This individual is a hardworking student, but one whose calling in life is not an academic one.

This student’s class is currently reading Dickens. Charles Dickens is a wonderful author. But to put it on a syllabus which is meant to be manageable for students such as mine who struggle academically, is in my opinion, patently unfair. The comment made to me was “I don’t understand what’s going on in this book”, because Dickens phrases his sentences and paragraphs so ornately. No slight against Dickens, but his work can require a few re-reads, it’s not a read for the faint hearted. 

The man himself

It is deeply concerning that for students who struggle, no commonly offered easier alternative exists.  We all too often shrink from admitting that some students are more capable than others due to our tall poppy syndrome, but I honestly believe that streaming students based on their ability into different VCE English classes is the right thing to do by both those that excel and those that struggle. It isn’t fair that students such as mine are marked by the same criteria as those high achievers, because for them, an academic achievement is understanding the plot of a Shakespearian play, let alone being able to understand the symbolism and subplots which run throughout it.  How can these students be expected to achieve a decent result which makes them feel good about themselves when they are pitted against students who are obviously in a different league to them? The answer is that they can’t. The closure some thirty years ago of the tech schools in an attempt to equalise the education system has meant that the lives of those students which are not destined to go to university and ponce around in a liberal arts degree like me are made harder. That is the sad truth. Those who are academically capable will always do well, even those who work hard to achieve decent results be alright. But those students who clearly do not belong in an environment which requires them to read Dickens in order to pass year 12 are the ones who are left behind by the current system.

 I was talking the other day with a former teacher of mine, and we both agreed that the biggest rush that you get as a teacher is in the successes of those students who aren’t academic stars. Those that are intelligent will excel regardless of their teacher but what makes you feel as though you are making a difference we concluded, is when those students who really struggle do well. I just wish the system didn’t put them in a situation beyond their capabilities in an environment where passing is an achievement.

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